Horse Record Books

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Importance of Writing Your Goals Down.

Why write your goals down?

*Shows commitment.  When you write your goals down in black and white you have now committed yourself to achieving that goal.  It is no longer a thought, it is a record of your hopes and dreams.

*Sets a clear path.  Until you physically write your goals down they are just thoughts and ideas in your mind.  We all have a lot going on in life and our original idea of our goals can easily be forgotten or altered.  When written down, we now have a reference to our exact goal. 

*A constant reminder.  Every time you look at that paper with your goals on it you will be reminded of your exact goals, and the importance of reaching that goal.  Your passion and desire to reach that goal will re-ignite.

*More likely to achieve.  When you have committed yourself and have a daily visual reminder of your goals, you will focus your actions on achieving your goals.

Tips for Goal Writing:

-Write your goals down on a piece of paper that you will see on a daily basis for a constant reminder.

-Be specific, and make sure they are obtainable.

-It's ok if your goals scare you a little bit... They should.  That way you know you have set them high enough.

If at first you don't succeed:

If you do not reach your goals, don't stop trying.  Think positive.  The journey to your goals is filling your life with stories and memories to cherish and share with those around you.

A great quote by Denis Waitley:
"The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them."


Horse Record Books - GOALS page